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If further assistance is needed, please contact our Customer Service Representative(s) at (852) 2898-9777, or email us via

如需協助,請致電 (852) 2898-9777,或透過電郵 與我們的客戶服務代表聯絡。


AlipayHK & WeChat Pay HK QR code_v3.jpg
PayMe QR code_v3.jpg

  1. Open Alipay HK App / WeChat Pay HK App / PayMe App

  2. Scan the QR code

  3. Confirm the account name is Okamura Salotto Hong Kong Limited

  4. Enter amount and pay

  5. After the transaction is completed, please screen-capture the transaction details page

  6. Click the "Choose File" below to upload screenshot and submit

  7. After we have received your payment, we will send confirmation message to your email

  1. 開啟 支付寶香港 或 微信支付香港 或 PayMe 應用程式

  2. 掃描QR code

  3. 確認收款人戶口為Okamura Salotto Hong Kong Limited

  4. 輸入金額並確認付款

  5. 交易完成後,將有詳細交易資料的頁面截圖

  6. 按下面「選擇檔案」上載截圖及提交

  7. 我們確認收到款項後,會發出確認訊息到您的電子郵箱

Choose File 選擇檔案
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